Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lemon Cleaner

Today I tried out a recipe for lemon cleaner, meant to be used pretty much everywhere. Though I'm sure will streak glass. It didn't seem to leave any streaking behind on my counters and left them sparkling clean. I am planning to try this on my mother in laws marble to see if there is any streaking there and I will update this with the results.


1 tsp borax
1/2 tsp washing soda
2 T lemon juice

Combine ingredients in spray bottle. Add one cup of very hot water and shake well to mix and dissolve dry ingredients. Spray on surface and wipe off with sponge or rag.

This can be stored indefinitely. It costs me $0.52 per batch.

Very simple, cheap and effective! I bought the borax for around $3 the washing soda for about the same and they are large boxes. These ingredients would probably be enough for the next 3 years at least, probably longer! I believe both boxes were around 3-5 lbs.

The next thing I am planning to try is lemon wood cleaner. I ran out of olive oil though so I'm unable to make it right now.

1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice

Very simple, sounds effective and is definitely cheaper and better for your wood furniture than most wood polishes you find at the grocery store.

1 comment:

  1. How did it do on the marble? Would the acid from the lemon juice damage it?
