Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nightly Hand Scrub

I absolutely LOVE this recipe. I found it online somewhere though I'm not sure where exactly. If I find the site again I will post it.
The only ingredients you will need are sugar, olive oil, and one whole lemon.

The original recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups sugar and 1/3 salt, but I personally omit the salt for more sugar since salt can dry the skin and I have very sensitive skin. If you have more oily skin you will want to use salt. You will also need 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil.

Pour the sugar(and salt) into a medium sized bowl. Add olive oil and stir until oil is evenly distributed. Then grate the zest of a large lemon and mix in. For extra lemon scent you can add 1/4 tsp of lemon extract or a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Stir in well and store in a jar or glass bottle. I store mine in an old glass olive oil container and it works great.

Basically rub it in circular motions into your skin to wash off dead skin cells and leave your hands feeling very smooth. When you first rinse you will feel the oil on your hands but don't worry! After wiping with a towel your hands will feel amazing. I absolutely love this recipe and will continue to make it in the years to come!

ETA: I have found for a product that you can store for longer you can use essential oils in place of the lemon zest. Just put however many drops you want depending on how strong you want it to smell. I love to just scent mine with peppermint and tea tree oil.

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